
Jaro Vojtek (1968, Žilina)
AGraduate of Film and TV Faculty of University of Performing Arts in Bratislava, department of documentary film direction. His short feature film Rojkovia /Dreamers (1999) is a part of a full-length project of short stories Šesť statočných /The Magnificent Six, presented in 2000 at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary.
Documentary filmography:
Slepá viera /Blind belief (1993)– a portrayal of a gravedigger with socialistic ideas
Keby bol hlas zvonu čarovný /If the bell’s toll were magic (1994) - a portrayal of the last living bell ringer
Vlasy II /Hair II (1995)– a portrayal of a priest with new ideals; Literary Fund Award, VSMU Award
Strom /The tree (1995)– about a man and the tree that was donated to Vatikan
Nepozná ona mňa, ani ja ju... /She Does Not Know Me, I Don´t Know Her... (1996) – a film about antagonistic relationship of two people even after 30 years; VSMU Award, Igric Award
Kameň po kameni /Stone by Stone (1996) – a film about an enthusiastic man reconstructing ruins of a castle and believing in communist ideals; Honourable Recognition Award Etnofilm Cadca
Vtedy na Východe /Once upon a time in the East (2000)– about one village where Saint Mary appeared; Igric Award, Literary Fund Award
Nechcené deti /Unwanted children (2001) – a documentary cycle about children from foster homes
Akvárium /Fish Tank (2001) – a film about Kosovo refugees who live in gymnasium in Beograd; Honourable Recognition Award Etnofilm Cadca
Blázonko /Crazy Man (2003) – about a man with mental and psychic condition; Igric Award
My zdes /Here we are (2005) – film about looking for home and long journey to happiness The main award for the best film – International human rights documentary film festival One World, Prague 2006, Slovak film critics’ award 2006 in category Other film production, Rudo Sloboda’s award 2006, The Great Prize of AFO – IFF Academia film Olomouc 2006, Best European film award – IFF Astra Film Fest Sibiu 2006, Jury award – Silver turon – IFF Etnofilm Cadca 2006, Grand prix for the best film – International days of documentary film “Crossroads of Europe”, Lublin 2007, Main award – IFF Shaken’s Star, Alma Ata 2007
Cesta za snom / A Journey for a Dream (2006) – a documentary essay about searching for a Slovak dream in 2004–2006
Malá domov / The Back Passing (2008) – a story of a Roma boy who wanted to participate in an international football tournament in Kragujevac, Serbia
Main Prize of the One World Festival 2008 for the Best Slovak Documentary
Hranica / The Border (2009) - film about a meaningless border which divided the village of Slemence as well as the fates of its people.
Prize „Between the seas“ for the best documentary film of middle and eastern Europe, IFDF Jihlava 2009
Marek Leščák (1971, Bratislava)
A graduate of the Master Program of the Department of Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (FTF VŠMU) accomplished under the pedagogic guidance of Associate Professor Leo Štefankovič.
At present he works at the Faculty of Television Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (FTF VŠMU) as a lecturer in the studio of script editing and scriptwriting. He is a member of the Slovak Film and Television Academy and member of the Czech Film and Television Academy.
Scriptwriting - Features:
Bratia / Brothers (1995) TV; script with Martin Šulík – 3rd prize of the scriptwriters’ competition Le Manuscript de Vercorin 1995 (Switzerland)
Záhrada (Garden) (1995) – (with Martin Šulík and Ondrej Šulaj) - Spectator prize – 44th International Film Festival – Mannheim-Heidelberg 1995,1st prize in the main category – 5th Young Eastern European Film Festival Cottbus 1995,Special jury prize – 13th Young film festival – Cinema GIOVANNI Torino 1995,Special jury prize – 30th IFF Karlove Vary 1995,Special jury prize- International Federation of the Film Clubs (FICC);International Jury of the Film Press (FIPRESCI) – main prize Ecumenical jury main prize – 30th IFF Karlove Vary 1995,1st prize – Prix Italia – MTF Prix Italia Bologna 1995,Czech Film Critics Prize 1995
Orbis Pictus (1997) (with Martin Šulík and Ondrej Šulaj)- Peace Prize – Mid and Eastern European Film Festival Alpe Adria Cinema Terst 1998, Special jury prize – IFF in Mannheim 1997 (together with an Iranean film),Slovak Film Critics Prize for moving picture
Praha očami…… (1998)– epizode from the film - Pictures from the trip ( with Martin Šulík and Ondrej Šulaj) - Best directory prize – IFF Cairo 1999
Zázrak (Miracle) (2004) – epizode from the film Vision of Europe (with Martin Šulík), One of the film stories in which 25 european filmmakers present their visions of Europe
Slnečný štát, alebo hrdinovia robotníckej triedy (City of the Sun) (2005) ( with Martin Šulík) - Main prize Zlaty Lednacek – Czech film showing Finale Plzen 2005 (the best Czech film)
Documentary film screenplay:
Vtedy na Východe (Once upon a time in the East) (2002) (with Jaro Vojtek) - about a miracle that divided the village Litmanová in the east of Slovakia, Slovak Literary Fund Award for documentary film 2002, Igric Award
My zdes /Here we are (2005) – film about looking for home and long journey to happiness The main award for the best film – International human rights documentary film festival One World, Prague 2006, Slovak film critics’ award 2006 in category Other film production, Rudo Sloboda’s award 2006, The Great Prize of AFO – IFF Academia film Olomouc 2006, Best European film award – IFF Astra Film Fest Sibiu 2006, Jury award – Silver turon – IFF Etnofilm Cadca 2006, Grand prix for the best film – International days of documentary film “Crossroads of Europe”, Lublin 2007, Main award – IFF Shaken’s Star, Alma Ata 2007
Cesta za snom / A Journey for a Dream (2006); documentary, 50 min. d. J. Vojtek, a documentary essay about searching for a Slovak dream in 2004–2006, The Premium of the Literary Fund
Slepé lásky / Blind Loves (2008); full-length documentary, 77 min., d. J. Lehotský CICAE Prize of Art Cinemas 40th Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes 2008, National nomination for the American Film Academy Award in the category of Best Foreign Language Film 2008, Nomination for The Most Valuable Documentary of the Year Award Cinema for Peace, Berlinale 2009, Golden Taiga 7th Film Festival Spirit of Fire Chanty-Mansijsk 2009, Golden Eye for the Best Documentary 4th Zurich Film Festival 2008, FIPRESCI Prize 10th Film Festival Motovun 2008, “Discovery of the Year” Special Mention of the Jury, 5th International Film Festival Reykjavik 2008, Grand Prix Cinessonne,10th Festival of European Film in Essonn 2008, Special Mention in the Category of Documentaries 6th FIICO IFF Mexico City, Prize for Originality and Innovative Directing – 3rd Emotion Pictures Festival, Athens 2009, Special Honorary Mention of the Jury 5th International Film Festival of Documentaries Play-Doc Tui, Prize of the Mayor of Trenčianske Teplice Artfilm 2008, Prize of the Audiences for the Best Documentary, 20th Film Festival Terst 2009, Best Documentary, 9th Festival “Songes d'une nuit“ Paris 2008, Award for the Best Romantic Document Fringe Report 2009, Slovak Film of the Year Cinema Film of Year 2008, Prize of the Festival Director – 15th Etnofilm Čadca 2008, Special Award for a Contribution to Slovak Cinematography ASFK 2009, Premium Prize for Documentaries, National Film Prize IGRIC 2009, Prize of Film Critics IGRIC 2009.
Malá domov / The Back Passing (2008)– documentary, directed by J. Vojtek - a story of a Roma boy who wanted to participate in an international football tournament in Kragujevac, Serbia.
Main Prize of the One World Festival Bratislava 2008 for the Best Slovak Documentary
Hranica / The Border (2009) - film about a meaningless border which divided the village of Slemence as well as the fates of its people.
Prize „Between the seas“ for the best documentary film of middle and eastern Europe, IFDF Jihlava 2009
Nechcené deti / Unwanted Children (2002) – a film series consisting of 10-episodes about children living in orphanages
My Zdes / Here We Are (2005) – a full-length documentary, d. J. Vojtek
Standard Bastard (2006) - audiofilm, d. M. Balog
Slepé lásky / Blind Loves (2008) – a full-length documentary, d. J. Lehotský
Hranica / The Border (2009) – a full-length documentary, d. J. Vojtek
Book publications:
5 scenárov (2003) (with Ondrej Šulaj, Dušan Dušek and Martin Šulík) - The book contains 5 screenplays of the films by Martin Šulík, Literary Fund Prize
TOMÁŠ STANEK (1980, Bratislava)
Studied Photography at the Secondary School of Applied Arts (SUPŠ) and film photography at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava; for one year he studied photography at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague. As a photographer he focuses primarily on documentaries, commercials and video-clips.
A documentary about the situation in post-war Kosovo (2000)
(d. Juraj Johanides)
Čačipen (2001) Pravda – Policemen Project of short documentaries (d. Marián Blecha)
Záchranári / Rescuers Making of… (2001) (d. Vladimír Michálek)
Pravdivá história o Jurovi Jánošíkovi / The True History of Juraj Jánošík Making of… (2002) (d. Agnieszka Holand)
Ztracená dovolená / Lost Holiday (2006) – a documentary about 6 Asian people and their 756 lost pictures (d. Lucie Králová)
Légia Patria Nostra / Legion Patria Nostra (2007) – a documentary about Czech volunteers serving in the foreign legion (d. Lucie Králová)
Cesta Magdalény Robinsonovej / The Journey of Magdaléna Robinson (2008) – a documentary about a renowned Slovak photographer (d. Marek Šulík)
Feature films and television:
Supperman (2003), (d. Albert Vlk) – mid-length feature film
Okno / The Window (2003)(d. Karel Coma) short film
Místo v životě / The place in Life (2006-2007) (d. Jiří Chlumský) TV series for TV NOVA, 2nd camera
Eden (2006-2007) (d. Jiří Chlumský) TV series for Czech Television, 2nd camera
Tričko / T-Shirt (2006)(d. Martin Fazeli) short film
Mesto tieňov / City of Shadows (2007) (d. R. Šveda, P. Bebjak) TV series for TV Markíza – 2nd unite
2000: Prize for Photography, Student Film Festival Áčko
2002: Film Chat Student Film Festival Munich, Germany
2007: Award for Best Documentary Film 42nd KVIFF Karlovy Vary – Lost Holiday
Dandelion Award – Best Documentary - Banja Luka International Film Festival, Lost Holiday |
MAROŠ ŠLAPETA (1972, Bratislava)
Graduated from the Department of Editing, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava, 2004.
Quartétto (2001) – editing of a full-length feature film (production – Charlie’s, director: Laura Siváková), Audience Prize at the 4th IFF Bratislava, Igric 2003 in the category of television and drama works, Bronze Grapes at the Lubuskie Film Summer 2003 in Lagow.
Cez prah / Over the Threshold (2001) - editing of a short feature film; part of a fiction film, director Róbert Šveda, production ARS Media, Gold Medal at the “Brněnská šestnástka”, Brno 2003
Spáč / The Sleeper (2001) – 16 mm short feature film; scriptwriter, director, editor
Akvárium / The Aquarium (2001) – editing a documentary; director Jaro Vojtek, production Leon; Honorary Mention at Etnofilm Čadca 2002
Nechcené deti / The Unwanted Children (2001)- editing of documentaries; director Jaro Vojtek, Peter Filo, Milan Balog; production Media 3
Zmenšenina / The Miniature (2002) – short feature film; scriptwriter, director, editor; Illumenation, Film Festival Helsinki 2003; Mediawave, International Festival of Visual Art 2003, Győr, Summer Film School Uherské Hradište 2002, festival Áčko 2003; Project Little Cultural Festival 2003, Ústí nad Labem, ČR, 22nd Festival of Short Films “Tous courts“ – Aix-en-Provence
Tolerancia cudzie slovo? / Tolerance – A Foreign Word? (2002) - editor of documentaries, directed by Jozef Banyák, Tomáš Kaminský; production Monarch, Barok
Občan a demokracia: Sloboda prejavu / Citizen and Democracy: Freedom of Expression (2002) – editing the series of documentaries; directed by Róbert Šveda; production Media 3
Nie je nám to jedno /We are not Indifferent (2002)- editing; pre-election campaign; directed by Jaro Vojtek; production Leon
Blázonko / Crazy Man (2003)- editing a documentary; directed by Jaro Vojtek; production Media 3
Premium for the humanistic message and untraditional view Igric 2003
Hlad / Hunger (2003)- short feature film; scriptwriter, director
Ilja (2003) - editing a documentary; directed by Ivan Ostrochovský
Európa / Europe (2003) (editing the series of documentaries – part of the pre-referendum campaign about the accession to the EU, directed by Ján Stračina; production Monarch
Cesty do stanice / Journeys to the Station (2004)- editing of a documentary; directed by Róbert Šveda
Čas mesta – mesto v čase / The Time of the City – The City in the Time (2004) - directed a film about Bratislava; production Protos production; in production
My zdes /Here We Are (2005)- editing the full-length documentary directed by Jaro Vojtek, production LEON Productions;
Malí bojovníci / The Small Warriors (2005) - editing the documentary; directed by Martina Saková; Honorary Mention for the Documentary at the 18th International Television Festival of Programs for Children and Juveniles Prix Danube Bratislava 2005
Menšie zlo /Lesser Evil (2005)- editing the documentary; directed by Ivan Ostrochovský Premium of SFZ, ÚSTT and of the Literary Fund in the category of Film and Television Documentary Works – Ivan Ostrochovský “for the original approach to the representation of a significant social event in the film “Lesser Evil” (the prize awarded in 2005 for the audiovisual work of year 2004)
Nebo, peklo, zem…/ Heaven, Hell, Earth (2005) - editing a full-length feature film (directed by Laura Siváková; production Trigon productions, in production
Sluneční stát, aneb hrdinové robotnické třídy /The Sunny State, or the Heroes of the Working Class (2005) -assistant editor, directed by Martin Šulík, editing Jiří Brožek, production První veřejnoprávní and Titanic
Konečná stanica /The Final Station (2005)- assistant editor, directed by Jiří Chlumský, editing Peter Kordáč, production JMB film productions
Cesta za snom / The Journey for a Dream (2006)- editing, co-scriptwriter and production of the documentary; directed by Jaro Vojtek; Art Film, Trenčianske Teplice, 2006; International Festival of Documentaries, Jihlava, 2006
Návrat bocianov /Return of the Storks (2006) - editing the full-length feature film, directed by: Martin Repka, production: Sen film /SR/, Stoked film /Germany/, Hoodoo production /ČR/)
Ďalšie dejstvo / The Next Act (2007)- editing a mid-length feature film; directed by Mátyás Prikler, Prize Igric 2007 for television productions, Award of the Literary Fund
E.F.K.O. (2007) - editing the series of short documentaries on dependencies; directed by Filip Fabián, production Uptown production
Ladislav Chudík (2008) - editing the documentary; directed by Patrik Lančarič, production Maya, STV)
Sneženky a machři po 25 letech / Snowdrops and Aces after 25 Years (2008) - editing a feature film; 90 min.; directed by Viktor Tauš, production Pragofilm, STV)
Juraj Kubánka (2008) - editing of a documentary; 50 min.; directed by Mátyás Prikler, production Civil Association Kubánkov sen, STV
Sestry / The Sisters (2008) - editing a feature film; directed by Martin Repka, production Czech Television
Identity Petržalky / Identities of Petržalka (2009)- editing a documentary; directed by Juraj Chlpik)
Malý zúrivý Robinson / Little Violent Robinson (2009) - editing a documentary; directed by Tina Diosi, production Furia Film
ZUZANA CSÉPLÖ (1962, Bratislava)
Graduate of Electro-technical Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (EF SVŠT), and Department of Editing and the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava.
Feature works:
Smutný valčík / A Sad Waltz (1996) /d. J.Rihák, 16 mm/, film awarded by Igric
Súkromný striptíz / A private Striptease (1996) /d. J.Rihák, 16 mm/
Opojenie z premeny / A Flush from the Change (1998) /d. J.Zeman/
Ja nič neviem / I Don’t Know Anything (1998) /d. P.Haspra/
Pohreb / Funeral (1998) /d. P.Haspra/
Prstene pre dámu / Rings for the Lady (1999) /d. Y.Vavrová / film awarded by Igric
Zločin 1.,2 . / The Crime 1.,2. (1999 ) /d. J.Zeman/
Zabíjačka / Slaughter (1999) /d. M.Šulík /
Zbohom Judáš / Goodbye Judas (1999) /d. M.Porubjak /
Mučivé tajomstvá / Agonizing Secrets (1999) /d. E.Horváth /
Zámok na juhu / A Castle in the South (2000) /d. M.Luther / Prize of SFZ, ÚSTT, LF SR – for director , IFF Art Film
Vyhnanci / Outcasts (2000) /d. A.Ditrich/
Čarovala ryba 1.,2.,3. / The Magic Fish 1.,2.,3. (2000) /d. Y.Vavrová/ Grand Prix in Chicago
Okamih pravdy / The Moment of Truth (2000) /d .E.Horváth/
Voľnomyšlienkár / The Free Spirit (2001) /d. P.Mikulík / awarded by Igric
Zlatý chlieb / Golden Bread (2001) /d. J.Zeman /
Emigranti / Emigrants (2001) /d. M.Porubjak/
Na konci hry / At the End of the Game (2002) /d.P.Mikulík/
Večer plný secesie / An Evening Full of Secession (2002) /d. J.Bednárik /
Tak dávno som ti nenapísala / I Haven’t Written to You for Such a Long Time (2003) /d. A.Horečná/ dance film, /35 mm/
Dlhá, krátka noc / Long Short Night(2003) /d. P.Krištúfek / awarded by Igric, Premium at the Artfilm 2004
Ďalšie dejstvo - Következő felvonás / The Next Act (2006) /d. M.Prikler/ awarded by Igric
Cinka Panna / Gypsy Virgin (2008) /d. D.Rapoš/ a version for cinemas
1994-2004: a cycle of music documentaries: Vlastnými slovami / In Own Words, Metamorfózy / Metamorphoses
A cycle of documentaries:
Variácie /Variations /d.Y.Vavrová/, Prelúdia života / Prelude of Life /d. J.Fajnor, M.Chudovský/, O čom je život / What is Life About /d. J.Mančušková, J.Rihák/, Profil / The Profile /d. M.Ježík, T.Paštéka / Slovenské obrazy / Slovak Pictures /d. M.Slivka, D.Hudec, M.Ježík T.Paštéka/, Človek uprostred / The Man in the Middle /d.J.Rihák, P.Hledík, J.Mančušková et al. /, Živé duše /Living Souls /d. K.Ďurovičová/
Documentaries: B. Warchal /d. T.Paštéka/, J.Filip /d. A.Ditrich/, M. Lasica, J.Satinský /d. P.Hledík/ Nenápadný gigant J.Bednárik/ Unnoticeable Giant J. Bednárik /d.Y.Vavrová/, Beethoven (2005) /d. B.Hončáriová/, Mednyánszky (2005) /d. V.Štric/; Mesto lietajúcich slov / Flying Words Town (2005) /d. M.Diossi/ awarded by Igric, Budmerice-tajomný ostrov spisovateľov /Budmerice – A Mysterious Island of Writers (2005) /d. P.Krištúfek/, Slovenský bigbít – 10-dielny dokumentárny serial/Slovak Big Beat – A Series of 10 Documentaries (2007) /d. D.Rapoš/, Posledná Maringotka / The Last Caravan (2008) /d. P.Beňovský/ a version for cinemas, Ilja Zeljenka (2009) /d. I.Ostrochovský/
and many other stagings, fairy-tales, children, music and literary programs, as well as documentaries portrays, clips, concerts, travelogues etc. |