Basic information

Film title: Hranica
English title: The Border
Country of origin and year of production: Slovenská republika, 2009
Production Company: LEON Productions, spol. s r.o.,
Jadranská 41, 841 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel: +421 2 6453 3992, Cell: +421 905 609 173, Fax: +421 2 6446 2784,
e-mail: leon@leonproductions.sk,
Film was made with the financial support of:
Ministry of Culture of the Slovak republic
Government Office of the Slovak Republic
Open Society Foundation
World premiere: 28.10.2009, IFDF Jihlava 2009, Czech Republic
Slovak premiere: 11.11.2009, Bratislava, Slovakia
Story theme: A Film about a meaningless border which divided the village of Slemence as well as the fates of its people.
Webpage: www.border.sk
Running time: 72 min.
Format: 35 mm, 1:1,66, 2398 m
Sound: Dolby Stereo
Film copies: 5 /3 with Slovak subtitles, 2 with English subtitles, 1 with Hungarian subtitles/
Directed by: Jaroslav Vojtek
Producer: Mario Homolka, David Čorba
Story: Jaroslav Vojtek
Written by: Jaroslav Vojtek, Marek Leščák
Director of photography: Tomáš Stanek, Jaroslav Vojtek,
Edited by: Maroš Šlapeta, Zuzana Cséplő
Sound: Jaro Vojtek, Tobiáš Potočný
Sound mix: Marek Lacena
Music: Peter Groll
Executive Producer: David Čorba
Appearing in the film:
Peter Lizák
Tibor Tóth
Štefan Tóth
Pál Bocsárszky ako Vince Tóth
Rebeka Kuiková
Alexander Gilányi
Rebeka Gilányiová
Elena Hornyáková with her son, inhabitants of the towns Male Slemence and Velke Slemence